BIS 2008

BIS record '1997/1/23'


  author        = {Janusz Stokłosa},
  title         = {Electronic payment systems and cryptographic mechanisms},
  year          = {1997},
  session       = {Bezpieczeństwo i ochrona danych / Security and Protection of Data},
  pages         = {311--322},
  crossref      = {BIS:1997/1},
  bibsource     = {BIS,},
  abstract      = {The real world payment models and electronic schemes implementing them are presented in this paper. It is outlined that cryptographic techniques play an important role in implementations. In the payment protocols cryptographic services such that confidentiality, digital signature, integrity, access control and non-repudiation are used. The authentication of users and the key management are very important as well.}

  editor        = {Witold Abramowicz},
  booktitle     = {Business Information Systems '97, Międzynarodowa Konferencja, International Conference, Poznań 1997},
  title         = {Business Information Systems '97, Międzynarodowa Konferencja, International Conference, Poznań 1997},
  publisher     = {Poznań University of Economics},
  year          = {1997},
  bibsource     = {BIS,}

BIS index BIS 1997
Dept. of Information Systems at Poznan University of Economics, Dominik Flejter