BIS 2008

BIS record '1997/1/54'


  author        = {Andrzej Arnt and
                   Mahmoud Fagir and
                   Łukasz Walczak},
  title         = {Wykorzystanie narzędzi ARIS Toolset i MS Exchange do zarządzania dokumentami wpływającymi na konferencję BIS'97},
  year          = {1997},
  session       = {Narzędzia dla BIS / Tools for BIS},
  pages         = {691--706},
  crossref      = {BIS:1997/1},
  bibsource     = {BIS,},
  abstract      = {This article explains a large part of organizing the conference Business Information Systems (BIS). It shows how to formulate (using ARIS Toolset) and automate (using Microsoft Exchange) some processes related with managing the incoming articles to the Conference. The aim of this paper is to point one of possible ways in case of undertaking such work. This article is also a thanksgiving for the organizers whose work result is BIS'97.}

  editor        = {Witold Abramowicz},
  booktitle     = {Business Information Systems '97, Międzynarodowa Konferencja, International Conference, Poznań 1997},
  title         = {Business Information Systems '97, Międzynarodowa Konferencja, International Conference, Poznań 1997},
  publisher     = {Poznań University of Economics},
  year          = {1997},
  bibsource     = {BIS,}

BIS index BIS 1997
Dept. of Information Systems at Poznan University of Economics, Dominik Flejter