BIS 2008

BIS record '1999/1/119'


  author        = {Jaroslav Pokorný},
  title         = {To the Stars through Dimensions and Facts},
  year          = {1999},
  session       = {},
  pages         = {135--147},
  crossref      = {BIS:1999/1},
  bibsource     = {BIS,},
  abstract      = {In this paper we present a conceptual and dimensional level of model-ling data warehouses. A four-level architecture is proposed and the conceptual and dimensional levels are discussed in detail. A dimensional model based on dimension tables and fact tables is developed. Some new aspects of dimensional modelling, which extend the previous approaches, are shown, e.g. query constraints and ISA-hierarchies combined with dimension hierarchies.}

  editor        = {Witold Abramowicz, Maria E. Orlowska},
  booktitle     = {BIS '99, 3rd International Conference on Business Information Systems, Poznań, Poland, 14-16 April 1999},
  title         = {BIS '99, 3rd International Conference on Business Information Systems, Poznań, Poland, 14-16 April 1999},
  publisher     = {Springer Verlag UK},
  isbn          = {1-85233-167-4},
  year          = {1999},
  bibsource     = {BIS,}

BIS index BIS 1999
Dept. of Information Systems at Poznan University of Economics, Dominik Flejter