BIS 2008

BIS record '2002/1/189'


  author        = {Norbert Fuhr},
  title         = {Information Retrieval Methods for XML Documents},
  year          = {2002},
  session       = {Invited Speakers},
  pages         = {21--25},
  crossref      = {BIS:2002/1},
  bibsource     = {BIS,},
  abstract      = {XML is going to be established as standard document format, especially for Web-based applications. The major purpose of XML markup is the explicit representation of the logical structure of a document. Given this markup, different kinds of operations referring to the logical structure can be performed on XML documents: 
} } @proceedings{BIS:2002/1, editor = {Witold Abramowicz}, booktitle = {BIS 2002, 5th International Conference on Business Information Systems, Poznań, Poland, 24-25 April 2002}, title = {BIS 2002, 5th International Conference on Business Information Systems, Poznań, Poland, 24-25 April 2002}, publisher = {Department of Information Systems, Poznań University of Economics}, isbn = {83-916842-0-2}, year = {2002}, bibsource = {BIS,} }

BIS index BIS 2002
Dept. of Information Systems at Poznan University of Economics, Dominik Flejter