BIS record '2002/1/202'
author = {Krzysztof Woda and
Jürgen Seitz},
title = {The Role of Digital Watermarking to the Protection of Rights for Digital Media Assets},
year = {2002},
session = {E-marketplaces},
pages = {107--112},
crossref = {BIS:2002/1},
bibsource = {BIS,},
abstract = {The multimedia documents must be marked steg-anographically to ensure the copyrights. Digital water-marks are inserted as a bit sample or digital signal into the data medium with an embedding algorithm using a secret key. The embedded information is hidden (in low-value bits or least significant bits of picture pixels, or in frequency space) and connected inseparably with the document. For the optimal application of watermark technology a trade-off is to be made between competing criteria such a robustness, non-perceptibility and secu-rity. The robustness of a watermark is particularly checked by the so-called “friendly” attacks, which en-compass geometrical modifications, compression and format conversion of a media data. Most watermarking programs (PictureMarc, Eikonamark) cannot handle the attacks.}
editor = {Witold Abramowicz},
booktitle = {BIS 2002, 5th International Conference on Business Information Systems, Poznań, Poland, 24-25 April 2002},
title = {BIS 2002, 5th International Conference on Business Information Systems, Poznań, Poland, 24-25 April 2002},
publisher = {Department of Information Systems, Poznań University of Economics},
isbn = {83-916842-0-2},
year = {2002},
bibsource = {BIS,}
BIS index BIS 2002
Dept. of Information Systems at Poznan University of Economics, Dominik Flejter