BIS 2008

BIS record '2004/1/328'


  author        = {Muhammad F. Kaleem},
  title         = {Towards Identifying Representative Characteristics of Web Services Compositions},
  year          = {2004},
  session       = {Ontologies for Business Information Systems},
  pages         = {411--420},
  crossref      = {BIS:2004/1},
  bibsource     = {BIS,},
  abstract      = {With web services technologies becoming increasingly mature, there is substantial academic research and industrial focus on web services compositions, or composite services. Composite services represent aggregations of individual web services, or other composite services, and can effectively model complex business processes. In this paper we highlight important characteristics that can be deemed representative of composite services, and discuss how these characteristics relate to each other. We also describe a selection of aspects relevant with respect to their application to composite services, and explain how they affect the highlighted characteristics. In this regard, the paper can serve as a reference for web services composition methodologies, by helping to illustrate how a particular methodology affects the characteristics identified in this paper. This, in turn, should help improve architectural patterns and design methodologies for web services composition.}

  editor        = {Witold Abramowicz},
  booktitle     = {BIS 2004, 7th International Conference on Business Information Systems, Poznań, Poland, 21-23 April 2004},
  title         = {BIS 2004, 7th International Conference on Business Information Systems, Poznań, Poland, 21-23 April 2004},
  publisher     = {Wydawnictwo Akademii Ekonomicznej w Poznaniu},
  isbn          = {83-7417-019-0},
  year          = {2004},
  bibsource     = {BIS,}

BIS index BIS 2004
Dept. of Information Systems at Poznan University of Economics, Dominik Flejter