| Marcin Paprzycki (special sessions coordinator) -
Oklahoma State University, USA (marcin@a.cs.okstate.edu) |
| [Andrzej Baborski] - University of Economics in Wroclaw,
Poland |
Ken Barker - University of Calgary, Canada |
Ryszard Bonner - Mälardalen University, Sweden |
Hans-Dieter Burkhard - Humboldt University, Germany |
Wojciech Cellary - The Poznan University of Economics,
Poland |
David Cheung - The University of Hong Kong, China |
Witold Chmielarz - Warsaw University, Poland |
Peter Dadam - University of Ulm, Germany |
Manoranjan Dash - National University of Singapore,
Singapore |
Marek Fertsch - Politechnika Poznanska, Poland |
Andrzej Gospodarowicz - University of Economics in
Wroclaw, Poland |
Adam Grzech - Technical University of Wroclaw, Poland |
Hele-Mai Haav - Concordia International University
Estonia; Institute of Cybernetics at Tallinn Technical University,
Estonia |
Zdzislaw Hippe - University of Information Technology
and Management, Poland |
Lech Janczewski - University of Auckland, Australia |
Janusz Kacprzyk - Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland |
Dimitris Karagiannis - Universität Wien, Austria |
Jerzy Kisielnicki - Warsaw University, Poland |
Gary Klein - The University of Colorado at Colorado
Springs, USA |
Stanislaw Krzyzaniak - Institute of Logistics and
Warehousing, Poland |
Bernard Kubiak - University of Gdansk, Poland |
Henry Linger - Monash University, Australia |
Peter C. Lockemann - University of Karlsruhe, Germany |
Leszek Maciaszek - Macquarie University, Australia |
Heinrich C. Mayr - University Klagenfurt, Austria |
Jan Mrazek - Bank of Montreal, Canada |
Marian Niedzwiedzinski - University of Lodz, Poland |
Roumen Nikolov - Sofia University, Bulgaria |
Jorgen Fischer Nilsson - Technical University of
Denmark, Denmark |
Mitsunori Ogihara - University of Rochester, USA |
Maria Orlowska - The University of Queensland,
Australia |
Mike Papazoglou - University of Tilburg, Holland |
Witold Pedrycz - University of Alberta, Canada |
Jaroslav Pokorný - Charles University of Prague,
Czech Republic |
Václav Øepa - VSE Praha, Czech Republic |
August-Wilhelm Scheer - University of Saarland,
Germany |
Erich Schweighofer - University of Vienna, Austria |
Evgueni Solojentsev - IPMASH RAN, Russia |
Janusz Stoklosa - Technical University of Poznan,
Poland |
| Stephanie Teufel - University of Fribourg,
Switzerland |
A Min Tjoa - Vienna University of Technology, Austria |
Jacek Unold - University of Economics in Wroclaw,
Poland |
Joseph E. Urban - Arizona State University, USA |
Thad Usowicz - San Francisco State University, USA |
Roland Wagner - University of Linz, Austria |
Robert Winter - University of St. Gallen, Switzerland |
Viacheslav E. Wolfengagen - JMSUICE, Russia |
Xindong Wu - University of Vermont, USA |
Ronald R. Yager - Iona College, USA |
S³awomir Zadro¿ny - Polish Academy of Sciences,
Poland |
Mohammed J. Zaki - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,
Jozef Zurada - University of Louisville, USA |