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Program Committee

The Poznań University of Economics
Department of Computer Science

Al. Niepodległości 10
60-967 Poznań, Poland
phone: +48/61/ 856 93 33
fax: +48/61/ 856 93 34  

The University of Colorado, Colorado Springs

College of Business and Administration

1420 Austin Bluffs Parkway

P. O. Box 7150

Colorado Springs, CO 80933-7150

Fax: 719/262-3494




Important e-mails


For submissions:

For information on special sessions: (Marcin Paprzycki)

For information on submission/proceedings: [will be available soon]

For information on payment/accommodation: [will be available soon]

For reviewers:

Registration and general information: [will be available soon]





7th International Conference BIS 2004

in cooperation with 

International Society for Computers and Their Applications German Informatics Society  Naukowe Towarzystwo Informatyki Ekonomicznej

media patronage

Gazeta IT


Last updated on 2004-08-29