Student Call for Papers
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There is a student competition for papers.


Papers must go through the regular submission and review process



Student papers will be rejected, or accepted for presentation as regular papers or as award papers



Rejected papers will receive no further consideration



Student authors of award papers will receive the complete student registration package (including registration, room, and meals) at no charge (a $325 value). Only one award will be made for each winning paper



Student authors of accepted, but not award winning papers, will still be allowed the student discount for registration (see registration page [click])



The program committee will schedule any accepted papers





To be considered for an award, the paper must be submitted via the regular submission process. Awards will be announced shortly after acceptance decisions are made (see schedule on web page [click]).



Students applying for the award must complete the registration process at the time of paper submission - without, however, including any payment information. That is, the students must complete the registration form [download] and have the required letter faxed or mailed to the address on the registration form. In addition, please include the fact that a student paper was submitted for consideration in the letter and the title of the paper that was submitted as part of the letter or in a note separate from the registration information. Please note, the paper will not be considered for an award without this information.



If the paper is accepted as an award paper, registration will be completed as a paid registration. Otherwise, an email request will be sent to the student to request payment information.




7th International Conference BIS 2004

in cooperation with 

International Society for Computers and Their Applications German Informatics Society  Naukowe Towarzystwo Informatyki Ekonomicznej

media patronage

Gazeta IT


Last updated on 2004-08-29