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Conference Program

Last updated on 2003-06-23


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23 April 2002








Ryszard Kowalczyk, INTERSHOP Research, Australia

Introduction to Intelligent Software Agents in Dynamic e-Commerce



Janusz Dorozynski, ZETO Poznan, Poland

IT Outsourcing – a solution for the hard time


24 April 2002








Inauguration session and keynote presentations




Knowledge Management I

E-marketplaces I

Web Languages and Web Personalization I

Special Session -
Pan-European Legal Information Systems I


Coffee break


Management II

E-marketplaces II

Web Languages and Web Personalization II

Special Session -
Pan-European Legal Information Systems II


Coffee break


Management III


Intelligent Text Processing for Business Information Systems

Special Session - Socio-Cognitive Engineering in the Modeling of Business Intelligence




25 April 2002



Financial Information Systems

BAVR 2002 - Workshop on Business Applications of Virtual Reality I 

WOOBS 2002 - Workshop on Object-Oriented Business Solutions I




Coffee break


Invited Speakers




Business Processes Management I

BAVR 2002 - Workshop on Business Applications of Virtual Reality  II

WOOBS 2002 - Workshop on Object-Oriented Business Solutions II



Coffee break


Business Processes Management II

BAVR 2002 - Workshop on Business Applications of Virtual Reality  III

WOOBS 2002 - Workshop on Object-Oriented Business Solutions III




Closing ceremony



24th April


10:00 - 12:30


Inauguration session and keynote presentations

Chairman: Witold Abramowicz



Mobility in Enterprise Applications
Arkady Zaslavsky, School of Computer Science & Software Engineering, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia [more]



B2B Marketplace Implementation in Poland - a Practical Case
Konrad Makomaski, CEO, Otwarty Rynek Elektroniczny S.A., Poland [more]


[back to top]


13:30 - 15:00


Knowledge Management Session I

Chairman: Heinrich C. Mayr



An Exploration of Information Technology Infrastructure as Related to Knowledge Management Performance
Gary Klein, W. Ben Martz, Venkat Reddy, College of Business and Administration, The University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, USA,
James Jiang, Department of Management Information Systems, University of Central Florida, USA



A model-based Software Architecture for Metadata Management in Data Warehouse Systems
Gunnar Auth, Eitel von Maur, Markus Helfert, Institute of Information Management, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland



Knowledge Generation and Dissemination in Virtual Teams by Using Heterogeneous Media
Christian Dietze, J. Felix Hampe, Nhiem Lu, Silke Schönert, Institute for IS Research, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany


[back to top]


15:15 - 16:45


Knowledge Management Session II

Chairman: Arkady Zaslavsky



New Hybrid Environment for Knowledge Discovery from Vector-Oriented Databases in Business and Management
Zdzislaw S. Hippe, Piotr Blajdo, Mariusz Wrzesien, Department of Expert Systems and Artificial Intelligence, University of Information Technology and Management, Rzeszów, Poland



An Attempt at the Evaluation of the Websites of Polish Internet Stores
Witold Chmielarz, The Management Department, University of Warsaw, Poland



Access Paths for Data Mining Query Optimizer
Marek Wojciechowski, Maciej Zakrzewicz, the Poznan University of Technology, Institute of Computing Science, Poland


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17:00 - 18:30


Knowledge Management Session III

Chairman: Zdzisław Hippe



Dynamic Business Intelligence, Automated Decision Making with Fuzzy Cognitive Maps
Otto Cordero, Centro de Tecnologías de Información - ESPOL, Guayaquil, Ecuador



Transforming Operational Data to Fit the Data Warehouse
Alan Chmura, Solomon D. Trujillo Center for e.Business, College of Business, University of Wyoming, USA



Hybrid AI Methods for Complex Problems Solving
Krzysztof Michalik, AITECH, Poland


[back to top]


13:30 - 15:00

room 213

E-marketplaces Session I

Chairman: Stephanie Teufel



Integrating Intelligent and Mobile Agents in e-Marketplaces
Ryszard Kowalczyk, Bogdan Franczyk, Andreas Speck, Peter Braun, Jan Eismann, Wilhelm Rossak



Anticipating Agents' Negotiation Strategies in an E-marketplace Using Belief Models
Frank Teuteberg, Karl Kurbel, Business Informatics, Europe University Viadrina, Germany



Trading of Ownership for Tangible and Digital Goods
Harald Häuschen, Department of Information Technology, University of Zurich, Switzerland


[back to top]


15:15 - 16:45

room 213

E-marketplaces Session II

Chairman: Ryszard Kowalczyk




The Role of Digital Watermarking to the Protection of Rights for Digital Media Assets
Jürgen Seitz, Krzysztof Woda, Dept. of Information Systems, Viadrina University, Germany



GoldenBullet: Automated Classification of Product Data in E-commerce
Y. Ding, M. Korotkiy, B. Omelayenko, V. Kartseva, V. Zykov, M. Klein, E. Schulten, D. Fensel, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands



Integration of ERP Software at B2B Marketplaces - a Case Study
H. Lejmi, Th. Zeller,R. Horstmann, Bavarian Information Systems Research Network (FORWIN), Germany


[back to top]


17:00 - 18:30

room 213

E-Learning Session

Chairman: Eli Cohen




The Logistics of Learning: a Lotus Notes Prototype to Co-ordinate Training Support in the Irish Defence Forces
Diana Wilson, Dermot Beirne, Dawn Hogan, Department of Computer Science Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
John Keaney, Officer Ordnance School Combat Service Support Clancy Barracks Dublin, Ireland



Towards More Personalised E-Learning in Logistics
Gaby Neumann, Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg, Germany



A Conceptual Framework for e-Learning in Tertiary Education in Thailand
Anongnart Srivihok, Kasetsart Univesity Thailand
Arunee Intrapairot, Rajamangala Institute of Technology Thailand


[back to top]


13:30 - 15:00

room 236

Web Languages and Web Personalization  Session I

Chairman: Marcin Paprzycki



XML-l: an Extendible Framework for Manipulating XML Data
Jaroslav Pokorny, Department of Software Engineering, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Prague, Czech Republic



Entish: e-Language for Web Service Integration
Stanislaw Ambroszkiewicz, Tomasz Nowak, Leszek Rozwadowski, Institute of Computer Science Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
Dariusz Mikulowski, Institute of Informatics University of Podlasie, Siedlce, Poland
Krzysztof Miodek, Institute of Informatics University of Łodz, Poland
Jaroslaw Kozlak, Krzysztof Cetnarowicz, Institute of Computer Science University of Mining and Metallurgy, Krakow, Poland



Web services as the platform for B2B
Kinga Wójciak, T-Systems (Sponsor)


15:15 - 16:45

room 236

Web Languages and Web Personalization Session II

Chairman: Jaroslav Pokorny




Simulation and Implementation of an E-Commerce Communications Infrastructure using XML Specifications
Simon R. Chudley, Ulrich Ultes-Nitsche, University of Southhampton, United Kingdom



Personalized Tour Planning System Based on User Interest Analysis
Benyu Zhang, Wenxin Li, Zhuoqun Xu, Department of Computer Science & Technology, Peking University, Beijing, China



Information Personalization in an Internet Based Travel Support System
Violetta Galant, The Wroclaw University of Economics, Poland
Marcin Paprzycki, Department of Computer Science, Oklahoma State University, USA


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17:00 - 18:30

room 236

Intelligent Text Processing in Business Information Systems

Chairman: Dieter Fensel 



Economic Basis for Adaptive Filtering. Filtering Large Databases in Economy by Using OLAP Technology
M. Pondel, The Wroclaw University of Economics, Poland



Industrial-Strength Text Classifiers
S. Beauregard, H. Huang, K. Konrad, S. Schmeier, XtraMind Technologies GmbH, Germany



A Polish Question-Answering System for Business Information
Florence Duclaye, Pascal Filoche, Jerzy Sitko, Olivier Collin, France Télécom R&D Centre national d'Etudes des Télécommunications DMI/GRI Technopole Anticipa, France


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13:30 - 15:00

room 115

SPECIAL SESSION - Pan-European Legal Information Systems I

Chairman: John Zeleznikow



An Evaluation Framework for Legal Knowledge-based Systems
Maria Jean J. Hall, Donald Berman, Laboratory for Information Technology and Law, University Bundoora, Australia, John Zeleznikow, Joseph Bell, Centre for Forensic Statistics and Legal Reasoning, UK



Digital Legislation: Reflections on the Agora-Lex Project
Marie-Francine Moens, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, Maarten Logghe



Improvement of Vector Representations of Legal Documents with Legal Ontologies
Erich Schweighofer, University of Vienna, Austria Gottfried Haneder, Andreas Rauber, Michael Dittenbach


15:15 - 16:45

room 115

SPECIAL SESSION - Pan-European Legal Information Systems II

Chairmen: Erich Schweighofer, Tadeusz Tomaszewski



A Framework for the Construction of Legal Decision Support Systems
John Zeleznikow, Andrew Stranieri



Forms of Legal Defining and Legal Information Systems
Andrzej Malec, University of Białystok, Poland



Legal Information and Legal Information Representation
Witold Abramowicz, Tadeusz Tomaszewski, The Poznan University of Economics, Poland


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17:00 - 18:30

room 115

SPECIAL SESSION - Socio-Cognitive Engineering in the Modelling of Business Intelligence

Chairmen: Adam M. Gadomski, Andrzej Straszak



Socio-Cognitive aspects of the development of Business Management and Organization Systems: Human and Social Factors
Andrzej Straszak, Systems Research Institute - Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland



Socio-Cognitive Engineering Paradigms for Business Intelligence Modelling: the TOGA conceptualization

Adam M.Gadomski, Italian National Research Organization for Energy and the Environment, Italy, Andrzej Straszak, Systems Research Institute - Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland



Visual Data Mining for Monitoring of Territory
R.Bosco, Intersiel s.p.a., Via G.Rossigni, Italy, E. Maltseva, Universita 'degli Studi della Calabria, Italy



A Conceptual Framework For Managing Executive Intelligence Activities
Vincent Ong, Luton Business School, University of Luton, Bedfordshire, UK


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25th April


8:00 - 9:30


Financial Information Systems Session

Chairman: Chih-Cheng Hung



Decision Making Framework for Internet Banking Based on Critical Success Factors Approach
Mahmood H. Shah, Rahat H. Bokhari, Department of Information Systems and Computing, Brunel University Uxbridge, Middlesex, United Kingdom



Term Extraction and Mining Term Relations from Free-Text Documents in the Financial Domain
F. Xu, D. Kurz, J. Piskorski, S. Schmeier, DFKI GmbH, Germany



A Hybrid Mixture of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic and Expert Systems for the Generation of Trading Signals in a Financial Market
Willie Bossie, Department of Computer Science, Alabama A&M University, Normal, Alabama, USA
Chih-Cheng Hung, School of Computing & Software Engineering, Marietta, Georgia, USA


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9:45 - 12:00


Invited Speakers

Chairman: Gary Klein



An Analysis for Understanding Practical and Future Challenges to IT Education
Eli Cohen, USA [more]



Semantic Web Enabled Web Services 
Dieter Fensel, Division of Mathematics & Computer Science, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands [more]



Information Retrieval Methods for XML Documents
Norbert Fuhr, University of Dortmund, Germany [more]


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13:00 - 14:30


Business Processes Management Session I

Chairman: Vaclav Repa



Business Renovation: form Business Process Modelling to Information System Modelling
Ales Groznik, Andrej Kovacic,Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia



COVES: Collaborative One Stop Virtual Engineering Services
Emilda Sindhu, Low Hock Chuan, Steven Wu, Alex Lee, Institute of High Performance Computing, Singapore, Shaik Mohammad Salim, Ministry of Manpower Singapore



A Tool Supporting the Continuous Process Improvement
Barbara Begier, The Poznan University of Technology, Poland


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14:45 - 16:15


Business Processes Management Session II

Chairman: Witold Chmielarz



Methodological Gap in e-business Architecture Modeling
Masao J. Matsumoto, Graduate School of Business Science, The University of Tsukuba, Tokyo, Japan



Re-engineering of Business Processes in the Units of the Public Sector Using Internet Technologies
Andrzej Sobczak, Department of Business Informatics, Warsaw School of Economics, Poland



Applications for Efficient Business Process Automation
Leszek Nowaczyk, Kleindienst Datentechnik Polska (Sponsor)


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8:00 - 16:15

room 213

BAVR 2002 - Workshop on Business Applications of Virtual Reality

Chairmen: Wojciech Cellary, Thanos Demiris, Nikolaos Ioannidis, Krzysztof Walczak, Martin White



Sprinting Along with the Olympic Champions: Personalized, Interactive Broadcasting using Mixed Reality Techniques and MPEG-4
Athanasios M. Demiris, Intracom S.A.,
Christophe Garcia, University of Crete,
Cornelius Malerczyk, Zentrum für Graphische Dantenverarbeitung, Germany
Konrad Klein, Fraunhofer Institut für Graphische Datenverarbeitung, Germany
Krzysztof Walczak, The Poznan University of Economics, Poland
Paul Kerbiriou, Thomson Multimedia,
Christian Bouville, France Telecom,
Maria Traka, Intracom S.A.,
Emmanuel Reusens, Dartfish Ltd.,
Eammon Boyle, Dublin City University, Ireland
Jochen Wingbermühle, University of Hannover,
Nikolaos Ioannidis, Intracom S.A., Greece



Creating a "Personalised, Immersive Sports TV Experience" via 3d Reconstruction of Moving Athletes
Konrad Klein, Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics, Darmstadt, Germany,
Cornelius Malerczyk, ZGDV, Darmstadt, Germany,
Jochen Wingbermühle, Institut für Theoretische Nachrichtentechnik und Informationsverarbeitung (TNT), Universität Hannover, Germany,
Torsten Wiebesiek, Institut für Theoretische Nachrichtentechnik und Informationsverarbeitung (TNT), Universität Hannover, Germany



Dynamic Creation of MPEG-4 Contents with X-VRML
Eamonn Boyle, Teltec Ireland, Dublin City University, Ireland
Wojciech Cellary, Oskar Huminiecki, Willy Picard, Mirosław Stawniak, Krzysztof Walczak, Rafał Wojciechowski, The Poznan University of Economics, Poland



Virtual and Augmented Reality Applied to Educational and Cultural Heritage Domains
N. Mourkoussis, F. Liarokapis, J. Darcy, M. Pettersson, P. Petridis, P. L. Watten, P. L. Lister, M. White, The Centre for VLSI and Computer Graphics, School of Engineering and Information Technology, University of Sussex, United Kingdom



Virtual Reality and Information Technology for Archaeological Site Promotion
Vassilios Vlahakis, Nikolaos Ioannidis, John Karigiannis, Manolis Tsotros, Michael Gounaris INTRACOM S.A., Hellenic Telecommunications & Electronics Industry, Greece



3D Modeling of Industrial Installation: Toward the Digital Factory
P. Sayd, S. Naudet, F. Gaspard, Image and Embedded Computers Lab. (CEA - LIST),
M. Viala, ActiCM SA,
A. Dumont, F. Jallon, J.B. Monnerie, ESIC SN,
L. Cohen, Université Paris IX Dauphine, France



Virtual Reality in Electronic Systems
P.F. Lister, P.F. Newbury, P.L. Watten, L. Senkoro, A. Dountsis, M. Midha, I. Banerjee, V. Trignano, M. White, Centre for VLSI and Computer Graphics, University of Sussex, England, UK


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8:00 - 16:15

room 236:

WOOBS 2002 – Workshop on Object-Oriented Business Solutions

Chairmen: Rafael Corchuelo, David Ruiz, Robert Wrembel



Invited talk on B2B integration software
Michael Mertz, Ponton Consulting, Germany



Quality Attributes Based Requirements in Component-based Software Development
S.I. Ahamed, Arizona State University, USA,



Uniform Information Processing with Heterogeneous Data Sources - A Practical Approach
B. Müller, University of Applied Studies and Research, Germany,
H. Wehr, University of Applied Studies and Research, Germany



Implementing Web-Based Business Applications by Using J2EE: A B2B-Cooperation Market Place - A Case Study
Wolfgang Golubski, University of Siegen, Germany



Is Your Distributed Application Ready for Deployment?
J. Hosszú, The Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary


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14:00 - 16:15


room 213:


Introduction to Intelligent Software Agents in Dynamic e-Commerce
Ryszard Kowalczyk, INTERSHOP Research, Australia


room 236:


IT Outsourcing – a solution for the hard time
Janusz Dorożynski, ZETO Poznan, Poland


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7th International Conference BIS 2004

in cooperation with 

International Society for Computers and Their Applications German Informatics Society  Naukowe Towarzystwo Informatyki Ekonomicznej

media patronage

Gazeta IT


Last updated on 2004-08-29