Workshop on Web services interactions, quality and SLAs (WS-IQS 2007)
in conjunction with
10th International Conference on Business Information Systems BIS 2007
in co-operation with ACM SIGMIS
Poznan, Poland
April 25, 2007
Deadline for submissions: February 18, 2007 
It is our pleasure to invite you to submit your work to the WS-IQS'07 workshop collocated with jubilee BIS2007 conference.
The BIS conference is by now a well-respected event joining international researchers to discuss the wide range of the development, implementation, application and improvement of business applications and systems. It is addressed to the scientific community, people involved in the development of business computer applications, consultants helping to properly implement computer technology and applications in the industry.
The theme of the workshop is motivated by the current, extremely active research conducted in the area of SOA, Web services and Semantic Web services. Specific Web services interactions, first of all: matchmaking, negotiations, SLAs and quality aspects, are crucial elements on the way to the full development and successful application of the idea of Web services and Semantic Web services. Commercialization of Web services available in the Web must be driven by an emergence of Web services marketplaces and assurance of expected quality of service. Steps taken by the leading software companies demonstrate that the workshop has a lot to offer to the people both involved in the research field and the areas oriented for commercial application of the main topics of the discussed event.
This workshop will provide a forum for interaction among researchers and practitioners working in the area of Web services and their interactions. Novel and orginal papers are welcome as well as work in progress reports. We solicit research and industrial contributions.
Topics of the workshop
- Web services filtering, discovery and matchmaking
- Semantic Web Services and Web Service Ontologies
- Composition and orchestration of Web services
- Trust and QoS assurance in Web service-based systems
- Service Level Agreements for Web services
- Web services marketplaces
- Monitoring and profiling of Web services
- Negotiations for Web services
- Legal issues in Web services
- Modeling of Web service-based architectures
- Interoperability and Integration of External Services
- Long papers: max. 5000 words
- Work-in-progress rep.: max. 2500 words
- Position papers: max. 2500 words
Electronic submission system available at:
Papers must be submitted in either Word or PDF format, according to the ACM SIG proceedings template (
The proceedings will be published as CD-ROM with ISBN number and on-line at CEUR workshop proceedings publication service.
Important Dates
- February 18, 2007 - submission deadline for papers
- March 20, 2007 - notification about acceptance/rejection
- April 4, 2007 - submission of final papers
- April 25, 2007 - the workshop
- ASG, Adaptive Services Grid, an Integrated Project funded by the European
Union FP6-IST-
Workshop Co-chairs
- Monika Kaczmarek
- Dominik Zyskowski
Workshop Program Committee
- Sami Bhiri, National University of Ireland in Galway, Ireland
- Irene Celino, CEFRIEL - Politecnico of Milano, Italy
- Dario Cerizza, CEFRIEL - Politecnico of Milano, Italy
- Natallia Kokash, University of Trento, Italy
- Andre Ludwig, University of Leipzig, Germany
- Xuan Thang Nguyen, Swinbourne University of Technology, Australia
Poznan University of Economics
Departament of Information Systems
Al. Niepodleglosci 10
60-967 Poznan, POLAND
Tel: +48(61)854-3381
Fax: +48(61)854-3633
Supported by ASG project