BIS 2010


Keynote Speakers

Prof. Dr. Steffen Staab

University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany

Steffen Staab is a Professor for Databases & Information Systems and the Head of Research Group "ISWeb - Information Systems and Semantic Web" at Institute for Computer Science, Faculty of Computer Science of the University of Koblenz-Landau.

His research interests include: Semantic Web Foundations, Querying & Reasoning; Ontology Technologies; Ontologies in Software Modeling; Semantic Information Retrieval; Semantic Multimedia; Semantic P2P; Organisation of Complex Dynamic Systems.

Link to Web page: Homepage

Title of presentation: Web Science: Your Business, too! [abstract]

Dr. Felix Sasaki

University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, Germany

Felix Sasaki joined the W3C staff in April 2005 to work mainly in the Internationalization (I18N) Activity W3C International, but also in the area of W3C Web Services and W3C Media Annotations.

He was part of the W3C staff located at Keio University, Japan. His main field of interest is the combined application of W3C technologies for representation and processing of multilingual information.

Since 2009 he is Professor at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and head of the German-Austrian W3C Office. He is still actively involved in several W3C working groups, with a focus on I18N and metadata for multimedia.

Link to Web page: Homepage

Title of presentation: How to make business worldwide with the multilingual web [abstract]


Steffen Staab: Web Science: Your Business, too!

The Web is the largest human information construct and information channel in history and, thus, of utmost relevance to any organization.

Web science is a new field targeting the understanding and the engineering of this information construct. However, to model and predict and thus to understand the development of the Web, one requires a mix of expertise from a wide set of disciplines ranging from sociology up to computer science.

In this talk, we will focus on the modeling and analysis of online communities. We use complex systems methods from physics to understand the interaction of users with systems like and the use of social simulation methods to understand the self-government of social sites. We indicate how such means may contribute to the future of online business communities, which allow for a more intensive business-to-customer contact or better knowledge sharing within the enterprise.

Felix Sasaki: How to make business worldwide with the multilingual web

In the age of Globalization, proper internationalization (I18N) has become a common requirement for preparing reach out to local markets. "How to make business worldwide with the multilingual web" means how to implement these requirements.

Traditionally, I18N on the Web concentrated on general infrastructure standards like Unicode. The W3C is about to start new work which focuses on the role of higher level standards in this area. The talk will give an overview about the objectives of this endeavour and point out potentials for new, worldwide businesses.

13th International Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS 2010), Berlin, Germany 3-5 May 2010
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