BIS 2008


Tutorial on Collaborative Work Environments

tutorial at
11th International Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS 2008)

Innsbruck, Austria

CWE & Groupware & CSCW Systems - Requirements Specification and Acceptance Testing

Software and systems engineering today is conducted usually in co-ordinated projects, distributed in time and location. The IT environments for such projects have to provide various features for sharing means and content; workflow has to be controlled and documents have to be managed to enable effective collaboration, communication and/or content handling. Moreover, in certain application domains one has to obey rules, regulations, norms or standards for work and/or businesses. As a consequence, compliance tests for Workflow Environments, Workspace Environments, Method Frameworks, or CSCW Toolkits and Groupware systems are often required to ensure the required capabilities. In other words one has to do an acceptance test for such systems.

How to do it? Our solution is to use a comprehensive quality specification and evaluation framework - comprising modeling of goals and objectives, procedures and artifacts, methods and tools, and characteristics and metrics for information systems, groupware systems or other CSCW support systems. In this framework we discuss the various aspects of CSCW/Groupware systems with respect to:
- Socio-Technical View of CWE/CSCW/Groupware (addressing: Cooperative vs Adversarial Collaboration, Collaboration in Space and Time, Synchronous vs Asynchronous Implementation, Trust in Groupware, Success and Failure of Groupware...)
- System & Software Engineering View of CWE/CSCW/Groupware (addressing: Group Collaboration Needs and Features, Features required for CASE, CASE and Process Standards, CSCW for Conducting real CASE processes, Artifact vs Activity Viewpoint, Control Input Procedure, Output Resource Role, Agent Activity Model, Quality: Attributes (Factors, Metrics, Fitness versus Service Assessment,...)

In the tutorial, special attention will be given to the practitioners pro and cons of specifying or standardizing reference models and/or requirements norms for workflow or other groupware systems for computer-aided software systems engineering (CASE). Overall aim of the tutorial is to make the attendees aware of the state of practice and to provide a practical approach to the CSCW or Groupware quality problem. Reflecting on the results and findings of several projects on IT quality and productivity the seminar will especially address the needs of IT managers, IT integrators or CSCW/Groupware developers.


Hans-Ludwig Hausen is a Principal Scientist (Senior Researcher, Project Manager) at Fraunhofer German National Engineering Research Society (formerly GMD) and VSEK German National Software Competence Centre. He has more than 25 years experience as senior project manager, senior consultant, advisor, principal scientist and lecturer on computer aided software engineering, software quality assurance, software process modeling and tailoring on more than two dozen large software engineering projects for governments and industry. Hausen holds degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the Technical University of Berlin and is a member of program committees of IEEE and ACM special interests groups. He is also a contributor to international standardization bodies, including DIN, ISO and IEEE, and an expert advisor to Germany, the United States and a number of European governments.

He is the author or coauthor of more than 130 reviewed papers and 3 books on software engineering environments, software quality and productivity, and information storage and retrieval. He lectures at Technical University Berlin, Germany on Information retrieval Systems and Semantics of programming languages, on Software Engineering and on Quality Engineering, and at University Skoevde, Sweden on Software Quality Engineering and on System Design: Formal methods for Embedded Systems.


  • FRAUNHOFER German National Engineering Research Society, Germany

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