Monday, 5 May
Inauguration session
12:00 |
Wikis and folksonomies
Celine Van Damme, Tanguy Coenen, Eddy Vandijck: Turning a corporate folksonomy into a lightweight corporate ontology
Angela Fogarolli, Marco Ronchetti: Discovering Semantics in Multimedia Content using Wikipedia
Alexandre Passant, Philippe Laublet: Combining structure and semantics for ontology-based corporate wikis
Service discovery and composition
Dimitrios Kourtesis, Iraklis Paraskakis: Web Service Discovery in the FUSION Semantic Registry
Michael Menzel, Christian Wolter, Christoph Meinel: Towards the Aggregation of Security Requirements in Cross-Organisational Service Compositions
Benjamin Olschok, Günter Schmidt: Industrialized Generation of Financial Services by Component-based Information Systems
15:00 |
coffe break (foyer)
Ontology development
Emanuele Della Valle, Irene Celino, Dario Cerizza: Agreeing While Disagreeing, a Best Practice for Business Ontology Development
Piotr Stolarski, Tadeusz Tomaszewski: Modeling and Using Polish Legal Knowledge - Commercial Companies Code Ontology
Joerg Leukel, Stefan Kirn: A Supply Chain Management Approach to Logistics Ontologies in Information Systems
Gheorghe Cosmin Silaghi: Making the Agent Technology Ready for Web-based Information Systems
Daniel Martin, David de Francisco Marcos, Reto Krummenacher, Hans Moritsch, Daniel Wutke: An Architecture for a QoS-Aware Application Integration Middleware
Mindaugas Kiauleikis, Valentinas Kiauleikis, Claudia Guglielmina, Karsten Tolle, Nerijus Morkevicius: Performance and Architecture Modeling of Interoperability System for SME's
Tutorial on Collaborative Work Environments (CWE 2008)
17:00 |
coffe break (foyer)
Ontology application
Marek Nekvasil, Vojtech Svatek, Martin Labsky: Transforming Existing Knowledge Models to Information Extraction Ontologies
Anna V. Zhdanova: Community-driven Ontology Evolution: Gene Ontology Case Study
Michael Prilla: Semantic Integration of Process Models into Knowledge Management: A Social Tagging Approach
BPM - Modelling
Jan Mendling, Mark Strembeck: Influence Factors of Understanding Business Process Models
Daniel Weiss, Joerg Leukel, Stefan Kirn: Concepts for Modeling Hybrid Products in the Construction Industry
Jose Luis De la Vara, Juan Sanchez: Improving Requirements Analysis through Business Process Modelling: a Participative Approach
Tutorial on Collaborative Work Environments (CWE 2008)
19:00 |
Welcome reception
Tuesday, 6 May
Keynote plenary session (BPM)
SUPER PhD Session: BPM - Towards Flexibility 1
Ivan Markovic: Advanced Querying and Reasoning on Business Process Models (paper type: BIS regular, 30 min.)
Emilia Cimpian: Design-Time Semantic Process Mediation (paper type: SUPER PhD, 15 min.)
Marek Kowalkiewicz, Ruopeng Lu, Stefan Baeuerle, Marita Kruempelmann, Sonia Lippe: Weak Dependencies in Business Process Models (paper type: BIS regular, 30 min.)
Workshop on Social Aspects of the Web (SAW 2008)
Uldis Bojars, Alexandre Passant, John Breslin, Stefan Decker: Social Networks and Data Portability using Semantic Web technologies
Raf Guns: Unevenness in network properties on the social Semantic Web
Paolo Massa, Kasper Souren: Trustlet, Open Research on Trust Metrics
11:15 |
Coffee break (foyer)
SUPER PhD Session: BPM - Towards Flexibility 2
Christian Stamber, Sebastian Stein, Marwane El Kharbili: Prototypical Implementation of a Pragmatic Approach to Semantic Web Service Discovery during Process Execution (paper type: BIS regular, 30 min.)
Adina Sirbu: Scalable Web Service Composition with Partial Matches (paper type: SUPER PhD, 15 min.)
James Scicluna: Approximate Update Reasoning for Semantic Web Service Composition (paper type: SUPER PhD, 15 min.)
Piotr Stolarski, Agata Filipowska, Monika Kaczmarek: Organization Modeling for Semantic Business Process Representation (paper type: SUPER PhD, 15 min.)
Rados³aw Hofman: SQuaRE based Web Services Quality Model (paper type: SUPER PhD, 15 min.)
Rules and semantic queries
Andrzej Macio³: Integration of data and rules in Inference with Queries method
Tomasz Wardziak, Maria Or³owska: Semantically Sensitive Execution of Relational Queries
Kay-Uwe Schmidt, Ljiljana Stojanovic: Form Business Rules to Application Rules in Rich Internet Applications}
Workshop on Social Aspects of the Web (SAW 2008)
Dimitris Bibikas, Dimitrios Kourtesis, Iraklis Paraskakis, Ansgar Bernardi, Leo Sauermann, Dimitris Apostolou, Gregoris Mentzas, Ana Cristina Vasconcelos: Organisational Knowledge Management Systems in the Era of Enterprise 2.0: The case of OrganiK
Duong Nguyen, Simon Thompson, Cefn Hoile: Hubbub - An innovative customer support forum
Paolo Coppola, Raffaella Lomuscio, Stefano Mizzaro, Elena Nazzi, Luca Vassena: Mobile Social Software for Cultural Heritage: A Reference Model
13:15 |
Lunch (ICT building, ground floor)
BPM - Monitoring and verification
Ernesto Damiani, Fabio Mulazzani, Barbara Russo, Giancarlo Succi: SAF: Strategic Alignment Framework for Monitoring Organizations
Branimir Wetzstein, Zhilei Ma, Frank Leymann: Towards Measuring Key Performance Indicators of Semantic Business Processes
Ahmed Awad, Frank Puhlmann: Structural Detection of Deadlocks in Business Process Models
Information Retrieval
Thomas Mandl, Benjamin Berghaus, Christa Womser-Hacker, Michael Kluck: Design of a Retrieval Test for a Domain Specific Collection and Evaluation of an Entry Vocabulary Module
Qi Zhang, Guoping Hu, Lihua Yue: Chinese Organization Entity Recognition and Association on Web Pages
Andrzej Bassara: Language Model Based Temporal Information Indexing
Workshop on Social Aspects of the Web (SAW 2008)
Bernard Jacquemin, Aurélien Lauf, Céline Poudat, Martine Hurault-Plantet, Nicolas Auray: Managing conflicts between users in Wikipedia
Alexander Stocker, Klaus Tochtermann: Investigating Weblogs in Small and Medium Enterprises: An Exploratory Case Study
Elfi Ettinger, Celeste Wilderom, Rolf Van Dick: Transforming Exchange-based Job Boards into Lasting Career Communities
15:45 |
coffee break (foyer)
BPM - Involving people
Stefan Eicker, Jessica Kochbeck, Peter M. Schuler: Employee Competencies for Business Process Management
Peter Geczy, Noriaki Izumi, Shotaro Akaho, Koiti Hasida: Enterprise Web Services and Elements of Human Interactions
Jan Mendling, Karsten Ploesser, Mark Strembeck: Specifying Separation of Duty Constraints in BPEL4People Processes
Mobility and contexts
Christian P. Kunze, Sonja Zaplata, Mirwais Turjalei, Winfried Lamersdorf: Enabling Context-based Cooperation: A Generic Context Model and Management System
Thorsten Caus, Stefan Christmann, Svenja Hagenhoff: Hydra - An Application Framework for the Development of Context-Aware Mobile Services
18:00 |
Bus from ICT Building to Restaurant Seegrube-Hafelekar
20:00 |
Dinner at Restaurant Seegrube-Hafelekar
Wednesday, 7 May
Keynote plenary session
10:30 |
coffe break (foyer)
ERP analyses
Uma Kumar, Bahar Movahedi, Vinod Kumar, Kayvan Lavassani: Measurement of Business Process Orientation in Transitional Organizations: An empirical study
Veena Bansal, Tripti Negi: A Metric for ERP Complexity
Mouzhi Ge, Markus Helfert: Data and Information Quality Assessment in Information Manufacturing Systems
Tutorial RSWA
Workshop on Advances in Accessing Deep Web (ADW 2008)
Zsolt Tivadar Kardkovács, Domonkos Tikk: Determining Relevant Deep Web Sites by Query Context Identification
Yang Wang, Thomas Hornung: Deep Web Navigation by Example
Alsayed Algergawy, Eike Schallehn, Gunter Saake: Fuzzy Constraint-based Schema Matching Formulation
12:30 |
ERP - International experiences
Vinod Kumar, Bahar Movahedi, Uma Kumar, Kayvan Lavassani: A comparative study of Enterprise System Implementation in North American Large Corporation
Jim Otieno: ERP implementation challenges: A Kenyan Case study
Abdolreza Hajmoosaei, Sameem Abdul Kareem: Web Data Integration System: Approach & Case Study
Tutorial RSWA
Workshop on E-Learning for Business needs [more]
Katerina Papanikolaou, Stephanos Mavromoustakos: Web2Train: a Design Model for Corporate e-Learning Systems
Bernd Simon, Kasra Seirafi, Asmund Realfsen, Mark Strembeck, Gustaf Neumann: Evaluate - An Innovative Service for Learning Performance Monitoring in Businesses
Kamal Bijlani, P Manoj, Venkat Rangan: A-VIEW: A Framework for Interactive eLearning in a Virtual World