BIS 2012


BIS Conference News



BIS 2012 Web Site and Call for Papers Now On-line

The Web site of 15th International Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS 2012) is now available on-line. We also made available the BIS 2012 call for papers. The deadline for submissions is January, the 16th, 2012.



BIS Workshops have been announced

We are happy to announce that seven workshop proposals have been accepted. The organizers have been invited to start preparations for the workshops. We invite you to submit your work according to calls for papers of individual workshops. Workshop post-proceedings will be published by Springer as a separate volume in Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing series. Please check the deadline for specific workshop at list of workshops.



BIS 2010 Submissions Open.

Call for papers of 13th International Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS 2010) is now open.

The conference topics include among others business process management, future Internet, content retrieval and filtering and Web services. The submission deadline is December, the 14th, 2009. For detailed information on conference, visit BIS 2010 Web page at:



BIS 2009 Workshops Proceedings Available

BIS 2009 workshops proceedings have already been published as a volume no 37 of Springer's Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP) series. The volume can be purchased here and is available online at SpringerLink site.



BIS 2009 Best Paper Award

Out of ten nominated papers (see below), based on reviews and audience votes, the best paper award of 12th International Conference on Business Information Systems was rewarded to Darijus Strasunskas and Asgeir Tomasgard for their paper entitled In Quest of ICT Value through Integrated Operations: Assessment of Organisational Technological Capabilities presented at ECONOM Workshop. Sincere congratulations from the whole BIS 2009 Organizing Committee!



BIS Registration System is Open Now

Now it is possible to register and pay the conference fee at registration page. Two accepted payment methods are: credit card and bank transfer. Please note that the presenters' registration deadline is February 18th, and that early registration deadline for regular participants is March, 1st.



BIS Workshops Deadlines Extended

We are happy to announce that the deadlines of calls for papers of BIS workshops were significantly extended. Please check the deadline for specific workshops at list of workshops.



Call for Tutorials Closed

BIS call for tutorials was closed. The list of accepted tutorials will be published on-line within two weeks.



Conference Fees Published

The conference fees for BIS conference and worskhops have been published and are available here. The deadline for early registration is March, 1st, 2009.



List of Accepted Papers Available

The review process of BIS 2009 conference papers is over and the list of papers accepted is available here. This year, the acceptance rate was 29%.



Call for Tutorials Published

BIS 2009 has now an open call for tutorials available here. The deadline for tutorial submissions is January 31st 2009 and decisions are taken in a continuous mode within two weeks from submission deadline.



Call for Workshops Closed

BIS 2009 call for workshops is now closed. A few workshops that were already accepted are listed here, and a few more workshops will be posted on-line until the beginning of January. We invite you to submit your work, according to calls for papers of individual workshop. Workshop post-proceedings will be published by Springer, as a separate volume of Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing series.



Two Weeks Left for Papers, Four Weeks for Workshops

You have still two weeks (until Dec 7, 2008) to submit your work to 12th Intl. Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS 2009), and four weeks (until Dec 20) to submit workshop proposal. BIS 2009 submission system is open and accessible here. The submitted paper should be related to topics listed in call for papers and should follow submission guidelines.
For workshop submission guidelines please visit this page. The workshop proposals should be submitted not later than on Dec 20, 2008; however, workshop decisions are taken in a continuous mode, within two weeks from submission. A few workshops that were already accepted are listed here.



BIS Classified Among 'B' Conferences by WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK Journal

We are pleased to inform that in the latest ranking of conferences and journals in the area of information systems, published by Journal WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK in issue 2/2008, Intl. Conferenece on Business Information Systems was classified among the conferences with category 'B'. The footnote states that BIS conference will be ranked as category 'A' provided that the acceptance rate will be less than 30%. It is also worth to add that only three conferences got the highest category 'A' so far.



One Month to BIS 2009 Submissions Deadline

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that there is only one month left for the submission of papers to BIS 2009. BIS 2009 submission system is open and accessible here. The submitted paper should be related to topics listed in call for papers and should follow submission guidelines. The deadline for submissions is December, 7th, 2008.



BIS 2009 Call for Workshops Proposals Published

The BIS 2009 Program Committee invites proposals for the workshops to be held back-to-back and during the conference. The workshops should be related to specific specific aspects of business information systems modelling, implementation and usage, or specific issues related to business information systems helping enterprises become more agile, flexible and responsive to changes in the market and their wider environment. The post-proceedings of BIS 2009 workshops will be published as separate volume of Springer's Lectures Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP). For more details visit this page.



BIS 2009 News Available by RSS

Since now on, everyone interested in Business Information Systems conference may make use of his/her favourite RSS News feed software to keep in touch with the latest developments and information about the event. The feed is available through this link.



BIS 2009 Submission System Open

BIS 2009 submission system is now open and can be accessed here. The submitted paper should be related to topics listed in call for papers and should follow submission guidelines. The submission deadline is December, the 1st, 2008.



BIS 2009 Web Site and Call for Papers Now On-line

The Web site of 12th International Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS 2009) is now available on-line. We also made available the BIS 2009 call for papers to be presented at the conference and included in proceedings by Springer (LNBIP series). The deadline for submissions is December, the 1st, 2008.

15th International Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS 2012), Vilnius, Lithuania 21-23 May 2012
Department of Information Systems, Poznan University of Economics, al. Niepodleglosci 10, 61-875 Poznan, Poland
phone: +48618543632 , fax: +48618543633 , web:

Local Organisation: Vilnius University, Universiteto St. 3, LT-01513 Vilnius, Lithuania | phone: +370-37-750538 | fax: +370-37-423222 | web: