Distance Learning - Approaches, Tools and Experiences

Jurgen Seitz

Dr. Juergen Seitz received his diploma in business administration and information science from the University of Cooperative Education Stuttgart, Germany, and in economics from the University of Stuttgart-Hohenheim. He received his Ph.D. from Viadrina European University, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany. He is professor for information science and finance, and chair of information science, especially eCommerce/eBusiness and mBusiness/Telematics, at the University of Cooperative Education Heidenheim, Germany.


  • Polish Virtual University: Experiences in Integration of Crucial Processes by IT systems - Andrzej Wodecki

    Dr Andrzej Wodecki is the director of the Polish Virtual University – the joint project of Maria Curie Sklodowska University in Lublin (UMCS) and Academy of Art and Humanities In Lodz (AHE). He is the co-author and co-organiser of the Polish Virtual University (PUV). He is also an MBA graduate (University of Central Lancashire, UK).
    The research activities concentrate on e-learning methodology (both in academic and corporate sectors), e-learning quality control issues, knowledge management and implementations of Balanced Scorecard method in Human Resources Management.
    Apart from managing one of the biggest e-learning enterprises in Poland, his consultancy activities include issues regarding preparation of large companies to integrated systems implementation, the analyse of their business processes and internet strategy creation. He has experience in ERP implementation management and the methodology of such enterprises.
    He gained experience on foreign markets and during international researches in Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel), Tuebingen University (Germany), University of California - Santa-Cruz (US), University of Helsinki (Finland), University of Ioannina (Greece).

  • Internet-based studies at the Hochschule der Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe - University of Applied Sciences - Eberhard Stickel

    Prof. Stickel studied Mathematics and Business Mathematics at University of Ulm, Germany and Syracuse University, NY, USA. He is holding a Phd in Mathematics from Ulm University where he also wrote his habilitation.
    After some years in the consulting industry he returned to academics. He is holding a Chair in Information Systems, Finance and Banking at Viadrina University Frankfurt (Oder). Currenly he is on leave and serves as Founding President of Hochschule der Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe - University of Applied Sciences Bonn GmbH. This is a new private University founded and sponsored by Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe one of the largest and most succesful banking groups in Germany.

  • The Need for Specialists in Web-based Learning - Eli Cohen

    Dr. Eli Cohen is Professor of Computer Information Science at the Kozminski School of Entrepreneurship and Management (Poland) and Director of the Informing Science Institute (USA). He is Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of IT Education and Managing Editor of Informing Science: The International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline.

  • Knowledgebay - An e-Learning Framework - Tino Jahnke

    Tino Jahnke received his bachelor and diploma in business administration and information science from the University of Cooperative Education Heidenheim, in Germany in 2001. He currently finishes his master thesis in Advanced Software Technology at the University of Applied Science Lueneburg, Germany, and the University of Wolverhampton, U. K. Furthermore he has developed the knowledgebay e-learning framework and manages his own software company.


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