Sponsors and Supporters



Intel - http://www.intel.pl
Marketplanet - http://www.marketplanet.pl/
Talex S.A. - http://www.talex.com.pl/
ZETO S.A. - http://www.zeto.com.pl




TVP 3 Poznañ - http://ww2.tvp.pl/tvppl/780.dzialy
CXO - http://www.cxo.pl/index.htm
Gazeta IT - http://www.gazeta-it.pl
IT-investment Consulting - http://www.it-investment.pl
Poznañ International Fair Ltd., Poland - http://www.mtp.pl/en/
SAS Institute Poland - http://www.sas.com/offices/europe/poland




International Society for Computers and Their Applications  German Informatics Society   Naukowe Towarzystwo Informatyki Ekonomicznej
Gazeta IT