BIS 2009


Database Offloading For Search Based Applications

tutorial at
12th International Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS 2009)

Poznan, Poland

Databases offer precise, controlled access to data, but they do not offer the easy-to-use search capabilities that most knowledge workers manipulate daily on sites such as Google. One solution to this information bottleneck is to let search engines support the brunt of the work, by offloading information from the databases using search engine technology.

Many business applications such as search, report generation and data analysis can be performed more efficiently on the replicated data without involving the native database technology, e.g. transactions. Offloaded databases, retaining some of their structure, can be recombined, mashed together, to create disposable databases, while the primary data is safe in the original database.

This tutorial will examine the techniques involved in offloading databases for search based applications. A case study of an actual case of database offloading will be presented.

Structure of the tutorial:

  • comparative difference of data base and search engine technology

  • data structures, indexes, query languages

  • administration of db and ir systems

  • maintaining structure and data models in search engines

  • database connectors

  • performance comparisons

  • affordances of search

  • faceted search

  • mashups, disposable databases

  • case study (GEFCO)


  • Gregory Grefenstette is Research Director at Exalead, a provider of search software for simplifying information access. He holds a PhD in Computer from the University of Pittsburgh. An expert in information retrieval and natural language processing, he edited the first book on Cross language Information Retrieval in 1998.

    Before joining Exalead in 2008, Dr. Grefenstette served as principal scientist for the Xerox Research Centre, Europe, at Clairvoyance Corporation, and for the French CEA.

  • Romain Fouache is Project Manager at Exalead, graduate of the Ecole Centrale Paris, expert data in data warehouses and database management.


  • Exalead, S.A., 10 place de la Madeleine - 75008 Paris, France. Try our 8 billion record demo: [here]

12th International Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS 2009), Poznan, Poland 27-29 April 2009
Department of Information Systems, Poznan University of Economics, al. Niepodleglosci 10, 60-967 Poznan, Poland
phone: +48618543632 , fax: +48618543633 , Web: