BIS 2009


Database Offloading For Search Based Applications (EXALEAD 2009)

Outline: [here]

Databases offer precise, controlled access to data, but they do not offer the easy-to-use search capabilities that most knowledge workers manipulate daily on sites such as Google. One solution to this information bottleneck is to let search engines support the brunt of the work, by offloading information from the databases using search engine technology.

Many business applications such as search, report generation and data analysis can be performed more efficiently on the replicated data without involving the native database technology, e.g. transactions. Offloaded databases, retaining some of their structure, can be recombined, mashed together, to create disposable databases, while the primary data is safe in the original database.

This tutorial will examine the techniques involved in offloading databases for search based applications. A case study of an actual case of database offloading will be presented.

Tutorial on Graph-based Knowledge Discovery in the web and Social Knowledge Management (GRAPH 2009)

Outline: [here]

Proliferation of Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 creates massive computer mediated networks. It is expected that by the year 2010, most of the Web information will be created automatically as logs files of Web services (such as Facebook) and by "The Internet of Things". Graphs serve as suitable models for such multidimensional networks where human generated content is an integral part of larger networks which include people and the things they create and do.

This tutorial will present novel methods of graph-based mining of large volumes of information. The tutorial will cover applications of these methods to mining multidimensional networks, and we will demonstrate how to make these methods aware of dimensions of networks where people are involved, including social, semantics, and activity management dimensions.

Tutorial on SMILA (SMILA 2009)

Outline: [here]

SMILA is an open source framework for processing unstructured information in the enterprise under the umbrella of the eclipse foundation and is also part of the German research programme THESEUS. The one day SMILA Tutorial will introduce the concepts and approach behind the framework.

12th International Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS 2009), Poznan, Poland 27-29 April 2009
Department of Information Systems, Poznan University of Economics, al. Niepodleglosci 10, 60-967 Poznan, Poland
phone: +48618543632 , fax: +48618543633 , Web: