Universidad de Sevilla
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática
41012 Sevilla, Spain
Travel Information for Visitors
Recommended hotels
- Hotel AI-Andalus Seville – 10% discount for BIS participants. The participants need to contact the booking department, indicating reference “CUPO HAB. CONGRESO BIS 2019”, by telephone (+34 954 29 88 58) or e-mail. Payment is made 100% on arrival, although a credit card will be requested as a guarantee of payment.
Universidad de Sevilla
Hotel Silken Al-Andalus Palace
Escuela Técnica Superior deIngeniería Informática
Río Grande Restaurante
This map highlights the POIs for the BIS / S-BPM ONE conference. In purple , you can find the place where all of the sessions will be held. The spot marked in green
is the one to address for the welcome reception, and in yellow color
for the official dinner. In blue
you can find the Al-Andalus hotel, which is the one promoted on the official website of the conference.
Information for people with disabilities
If you have any disabilities or require any special attention, please contact our local organizational team in advance (Patricia Jiménez patriciajimenez@us.es). We would be happy to help you.